Thursday, April 22, 2010


This was an email from our agency. Really makes you think. I have never considered carring that Humanitarian Parole Card with me on a daily basis. But, after reading this, maybe we should. However, the other part of me says, I don't need to "prove" anything to anyone who is so quick to make assumptions...and so far, haven't had anything like this happen to us. However, I have heard of similar situations happening to some of the other adoptive families as of lately.

One of our families told me about an incident they had at McDonald's when the family took their child out of the restaurant because the child was having a fit. Someone in the restaurant thought this parent was kidnapping the child! Followed the parent out to the car insisting the child be let go, even opened the car door from the other side, went in the restaurant to see if any black couple were missing their child, etc. This was one of the humaritarian paroled children. Of course this could happen to anyone with an tranracially adopted child.


Sean's Ladies said...

that is ridiculous. multi-ethnic adoption is too common for that kind of nonsense. people need to mind their own business!

Kathy Cassel said...

Rick had a very similar thing happen at the park.

Terry said...

I hope they called the cops, come on! That's just crazy. I would think that during a kidnapping, and the child was screaming, a parent would have heard it too!