Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blog Break

We are heading to upstate NY mid week (if Preston shakes his bout of pneumonia.) We were supposed to already be there, but as you all know with kids, plans change. After Gramma (yes, she is awesome) spent all day Thursday with him at the doctor/ER, the pediatrician recommended we postpone our trip until he gets better.

We had a wonderful weekend (low 80's and sun) and we are all going to be in for a shock once we reach NY. High all week is in the 40's, some snow, some rain. The boys had water gun fights here all weekend, and soon they'll be having snow ball fights!

And as usual, I'll add my typical disclaimer....nothing new on the adoption front. When I say, nothing, I mean NOTHING! I haven't heard anything, no rumors, zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.

It's 7pm here, and it's so light out my kids think they just had lunch, not dinner. It's going to be a long night I am afraid! We'll be back in a week! Enjoy the extra daylight!


Beth Cotell said...

I hope Preston feels better soon and I hope you make it to NY...brrrrr!

Kathy Cassel said...

Safe journey!

Tammie said...

I hope your son is better soon and that you are able to go to NY.

Katy said...

Poor Preston! I hope he is better....and praying for the news to come while you are away...=) that's what cell phones are for!