Sunday, February 1, 2009

Still in

Two families at our orphanage got out of IBESR last week!! Congrats Susan and Suzanne! This was GREAT news because we welcome any movement in the right direction. Unfortunately, it sounds like we, along with about 200 other families, are still awaiting dispensation. This is basically like a Presidential Pardon (from the President of Haiti....someone correct me if I am wrong.) This is because we have biological children which is goes again the Haitian Adoption Law from 1974....or something like that! As you can tell, I really don't care what the reason is why we need dispensation, I just want it done already! PLEASE!!! And even more disheartening was an estimate given by our program director. Apparently once we do get out of IBESR, she is predicting about 12 more months until our little one comes home. So that honestly was some of the worst news I could have imagined, however, I am not surprised. This is Haiti and nothing is surprising at this point

Yes, I was hoping for a miracle or sorts, to get our little one home this summer, but I knew in my heart that was likely impossible. So then I thought it might be reasonable for Avery to be home for her 2nd bday (Sept 13th) and then possibly Christmas 2009? Now I am not sure any of that is realistic.

Anyway, enough about that. She is worth the wait and we'll continue to wait....and wait and long as it takes. So that's the news (or lack thereof) for now!

Super Bowl is starting! Go Cardinals!


kayder1996 said...

Watching those little "deadlines" that you set in your head get of the hardest parts of the waiting.

Sarah and Tim said...

Hang in there! I am praying my son home by this summer. We are still in IBESR also!

Kathy Cassel said...

Hopefully it will be your turn next!

Who are S & S adopting?

We went into ibesr Aug 07, got out May 31 08 and are now out of parquet. It will be over a year after being out of ibesr before ours get home. We spent 7 mo in parquet. But that can really vary. Others went through in six weeks!!

Beth Cotell said...

I am so sorry for the disheartening news! However, you know I believe in miracles so please don't stop praying for one.

In the meantime, just trust and know that God's timing is always perfect.

Laurie said...

Ugh, the wait is so hard. It's amazing how we will let ourselves get our hopes up over and over again, even though we sort of know better. I did that SO many times throughout our process and it was such a roller coaster ride. And NOT a fun one! I am so sorry you are still waiting. You still may be surprised that the end may go faster than what they are telling you. I will be excited to see her when she gets here!!