Thursday, September 16, 2010


Much better than the version we posted a few months ago! Yeah Avery!


Beth Cotell said...

I love this!!! She is so sweet, cute, pretty, adorable! So much personality!

It looks like the yarn braid things didn't make it though...

Kathy Cassel said...

She's really growing up.

Lisa said...

So Sweet! She sounds very much like Elijah does. He's starting to talk a lot more. He used to be so quiet, but he'd talk at home - but now he's starting to talk more at daycare. Still quite hard to understand, but I think he's getting more confidence in knowing the words he's supposed to use, so he's not quite so shy to speak up.

I've also just recently started noticing that he yells a lot. Kaylen always did that a lot - more like attention-seeking, so I'm having to remind him to not yell and use inside voice.

Josephine is a better speaker than him - more talkative (all the time!) but also speaks more clearly - she can make a lot of the consonant sounds that he can't make.

So fun to watch them blossom!