Thursday, January 13, 2011

One year

It's now been exactly one year since the earthquake struck Haiti. I remember exactly where I was when I got the news. I was sitting on the couch working on my computer when the phone rang. Mike had called to say his boss had told him an earthquake hit Haiti. To be honest, I didn't really think all that much of it at first. I figured it was probably small and the chances it hit right where Avery lived was slim. It probably hit way out in the mountains/countryside. But as I turned on the news channels, I quickly realized it was much bigger than I ever imagined. I immediately thought two things. One, wonder if she is stuck, hurt or didn't survive? Two, our adoption paperwork is in ruins. We will have to start over, which I really couldn't stomach the thought. We had been 2 years into what was turning into a 4 year process and the thought of starting over made me sick both for her and us.

As the days passed, everything was so confusing. We heard rumors the kids might get flown to US only for the next hour to bring a completely different rumor. This rollercoaster ride went on for almost 2 weeks. We had minimal sleep, numerous cancelled flights, and the feeling of complete chaos and uncertainty. There were moments of elation, scurrying to get her room ready mixed with moments of doubt and the feeling she would really never get home.

However, as you can see from the photo, it all worked out in the end for our family. I often wonder what Avery's birthparents are doing. Are they alive? Do they wonder where she is? I wish there was a way we could tell them how well she is doing. Her smile is the biggest smile I have ever seen. She is so loving and adores her family. She has her moments like any toddler does, but overall she is what I would describe as radiant. I would not want to relive last year again...but I so thankful for the outcome and giving our little girl an extra tight hug today!

Also,yesterday, HULU starting showing the Adopting Haiti documentary. Avery is right around the 2:40 mark yawning, wearing a striped dress sitting next to her nanny. I didn't really catch a glimpse of her much after that, but I'll have to watch it again. It was a good documentary, but it was so much more intense actually living the experience. I thought they should have captured the anguish parents lived through for 2 1/2 days at the Sanford International Airport. But, that could have been a movie all on it's own I guess. We ordered a copy of the video for Avery since she is so young so doesn't remember any of it. It will be amazing for her to learn someday what she lived through and overcame at such a young age.


Kathy Cassel said...

She's all grown up.