Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Avery must have known...

Well, if that smile didn't brighten our day! So excited to finally get a glimpse of Avery when she doesn't look sad or sleepy! She must have known that her daddy got offered a new job yesterday! We are so proud of him and relieved! Looks like Avery is too!
I thought once the job was secured, we would venture into an adoption from Rwanda. And, although that likely may take place in the future, we have agreed to wait for Avery to get home first. My patience on the Haitian process has all but disappeared, so adopting another little girl now (sister for Avery) sound great since honestly, it may be years before Avery gets here. But, the longer Avery stays in Haiti and lives at the orphanage, the more issues/obstacles there may be once she finally arrives home. We want her to adapt in our home and bond with us and then we'll re-evaluate Rwanda. Honestly, flying from here to Rwanda, to Kenya, back home does make me a little nervous. But, I am still following other families in process to get a feel for their trip and experience.

Heard today from some of the families who are in Haiti right now taking care of the "extra step" that has been thrown into our Haiti process. Standing before the judge....or as what it has been more accurately described as standing outside a gate and signing your name on a blank piece of paper in a notebook.
Can't believe we'll have to spend money for 2 tickets to Haiti and leave a diabetic child at home, to go sign a random notebook. Funny enough, it's not surprising at this point! Nothing is.
Anyway, before we qualify for this interesting adventure, we have to....GET OUT OF IBESR. So, at the rate things are going, mabye the judge will have changed his mind by then. I guess that's one way of looking at being stuck in a positive light. More time for changes...hopefully for the better that is! Please, NO MORE STEPS already added to a VERY LONG process.


Lena Just Lena said...

I am right there with ya-on the new step stuff. Sigh. Praying God removes all the obstacles and performs miracles to get our files moving thru and adoptions finalized. Congrats on the new job and the smiley pic! :-)

Beth Cotell said...

Congrats to Mike!

Patience is so hard especially when you are waiting for such a precious gift. I will continue to pray for you all!

Bill and Christina said...

She is beautiful and has a captivating smile!

Katy said...

Hooray, Mike has a job!!! Congratulations! =) I love that you got a new smiling photo, too...what a beauty she is. I can definitely understand your decision to wait on Rwanda, though I know that must be so hard for you to do when we don't know how long. I just never could have imagined this process would take SO long. =( Maybe we will be signing that random notebook together, who knows...or MAYBE they WILL change it's hoping. HUGS!

Kathy Cassel said...

She's so grown up now.

Amanda said...

Congratulations on the new job!

What a beautiful picture of Avery!

I pray you see the light at the end of the BLACK HOLE soon! I also pray that the "extra step" will be no more by the time you're there!