Saturday, January 16, 2010

The latest...

The latest from our Adoption Agency Director : A Pitsburgh Law Firm has been hired (by who I am not 100% sure) to help get the kids in the Orphanages "Humanitarian Parole" And, they are hopeful this will be the answer to getting them home!

Things continue to change here on an hour to hour basis. I am supposed to leave here in 45 minutes to have dinner at a friends and I am sure when I return things will have changed again!

I can't believe it is possible Avery could be home soon...dare I say days?? weeks?? We have NOTHING ready... I mean NOTHING! Before the earthquake, we were on track to have her home most likely 2011. Not next week!!! But all those things are so unimportant, we just want her here...whether we are at all ready or not!!!

She is 2, we have no 2 year old toys, no crib put together, no 2 year old winter clothes...time to get organized!!!! This is so exciting it doesn't seem real and to be honest, I am trying to assume she won't be here in days so I don't get my heart broken should that not happen.

Continuing to pray for the safety of the orphans.


kayder1996 said...

Did you get the email from JCIS on this? Also if you look at the JCICS site, they are saying the Haitian government has lifted the restrictions on getting children who were matched with families out of the country so it's just up to our state dept. to agree to it/come up with a plan.

Lori said...

Hi, Tracy. Have you registered your adoption at the JCICS website. Ping me back if you need more info. It is critical that we're all registered there to ensure we're visible to the State Department and JCICS.

Katy said... feelings exactly!! Sending emails, making calls, etc. etc. then going in her room going through clothes to see if they are warm for winter, right size etc. Room? Not painted...but it has a bed!!! No babysitter or insurance though!! I feel so unprepared!!!But God will go forward and make a way!!! With God all things possible!!!

Suzanne said...

Tracy, Don't worry about the toys, crib, etc. Breathe- our children ARE coming home! They need us, not stuff. However, I can relate to your sense of urgency. In between computer sessions I am frantically cleaning out everything- even am washing the sheets to finally make their beds. Thanking God for his continued protection and guiding them home. :o)

Trina said...

I have clothes and shoes that will probably fit Avery, as I'm guessing she is smaller than avg for 2. NOT to worry about any of that, just get her home and FAST (and leave behind a case of formula!). Seriously, my girls have LOTS of great hand me downs that we'd love to share your way (some toys included). It will teach them such a great lesson to cull their collection and donate it to a little girl in need!