Friday, January 15, 2010


Found out that most the info from my last post was rumors...there was not a State Meeting at 10am today and there have been no visas issued for any Orphanages as of yet.

Makes you wonder who is starting these rumors, ugh.

We did find out that Kiki, who processes the adoption paperwork at our orphanage was found alive. So that was obviously very welcoming news. Everyone was starting to fear for his life after we hadn't heard of his whereabouts in a few days.

If anything new comes about, I am going to be very careful in posting without first verifying its accuracy. Still waiting to hear an update on how Haitian adoptions will be handled. Hopefully we'll know something soon....


Laurie said...

Oh man! I was giddy after reading that last post. It still could happen! Hop over to my blog to see the petition to sign and how to register your adoption and you can pass it on to others from your O.

kayder1996 said...

I just don't think it will be possible for them to get visas issued and kids flown out with the airport situation being what it is and the fact that printing visas for one orphanage would set a precedent for one orphanage that would have to be followed for the rest. Our Senator's office said she thought there would be news soon, as in the next couple of days. But I am afraid that will only be for those with adoption decrees. I of course told her this and asked for our Senator to advocate for the many families who have been matched for loooong periods of time but have no adoption decree. I don't expect a visa but at least some type of modified process with altered paperwork would be great.

Lisa said...

There was the Department of State briefing this morning that I think was mistaken for the meeting. We did get an update from our senators' and house rep's offices with regards to the State Department's briefing. But yes, it is sounding like it is for those with adoption decrees. Praying for those of you without those yet, that there is going to be help for you as well. These children need to come home to their families!!!